Wednesday, February 27, 2008


This is a picture of a mammoth I drew for Sixpence.


Let everybody see it. This is a picture of school. The bird should be blue, but it's really purple! (Mugwump's side is on the left, Sixpence's is on the right; M's looks purple in the picture)

I'm planting in my garden. You can go up and down and up and down (he's singing a song).

I'm planting. I'm making concrete. I'm crushing dirt. Well, I was really crushing chunks of dirt. I was making concrete so we could put some new...actually, I was making new dirt to patch the cracked dirt. Or I could just patch the cracks. And that's all I want to say.

cad eeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn mmmmmmmmm

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I miss you, everybody. This is my favorite animal. Can you guess what it is called?
kd zxcv cadeeeeeeeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddvvvv bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbttttgggg
It says muggle. That big word there, it says muggle. C-A-DDDDD-EEEEEE-NNNNN-DDDDD-VVVVVV-PPPPPPP. Is that silly? It that a long word to spell? Can I spell hadido? hyllpacy
Boody. And Daddy's booties.
[This is Mom. I may jump in occasionally (or often) on Mugwump's blog so I can brag about - I mean, let family and friends know - what he is up to.
He announced last Sunday that he wanted to start kindergarten this week. So, being the dedicated mom that I am, I made him come up with ideas for things he wanted to do for "kindergarten." We started on Monday (President's Day). It's been fun! I have enjoyed the challenge of finding things to do every day. We're keeping it really simple, yet he has surprised me with the things he can do. We've done math with legos and pictures of the Titanic, flipped through an atlas of world history and saw a painting of Aztec human sacrifice (i need to edit our materials a little better!), made and played a board game for reading practice, and played in the nasty snowmelt gutter water (we have to have recess, don't we?).]

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

I want to do my pictures in order. I don't want them to be mixed up.

WE're making something. It is Dad and me making electronics that Earl and Heather sent us. We're trying to stick it to stuff. I learned not to touch electricity because it could shock you. I"m teaching people with my blog.

We're reading a book with my Grandma. That's all that I want to say

We took a picture of hearts. We put the hearts on the board and graphed it. Then we ate lots.
I didn't get any

I'm with Shack, playing with him. That's all I want to say. NOw we'll go to the next one, OK.

This is a car I built out of Legos. That's all I want to say.

(Everything written in this blog is typed by parents, as dictated by the four year old. Sometimes he may type himself, but you'll know when that happens.)

cadenz blog