WE're making something. It is Dad and me making electronics that Earl and Heather sent us. We're trying to stick it to stuff. I learned not to touch electricity because it could shock you. I"m teaching people with my blog.
We took a picture of hearts. We put the hearts on the board and graphed it. Then we ate lots.
I didn't get any
I'm with Shack, playing with him. That's all I want to say. NOw we'll go to the next one, OK.
This is a car I built out of Legos. That's all I want to say.
(Everything written in this blog is typed by parents, as dictated by the four year old. Sometimes he may type himself, but you'll know when that happens.)
cadenz blog
Hey Mugwump -
We love your new blog - we discovered it late last night - great comments with your pictures - We also want to thank you for the beautiful Valentines you sent us - you've always been our favorite artist. We miss you a lot and can't wait to see you again - hopefully in late Spring - Take care and keep creating - Love - Grandma G and Grandpa J
Its cool that you have your own blog now! I think you will have a lot of fun with it.
Hi Mugwump. Your pictures are very nice. I like seeing you play so nice with your brothers. You are getting so big. I can not wait to see you. We will be there in June to see you. Maybe you can stay in the motor home with us. I love you.
Mugwump has a blog! Yay, what a fun idea! Playing lots of Legos makes you grow up to be really smart and cool. Also, very fast on a bike. Just ask me . . . :-)
My name is Justin and i live in Philadelphia. Love the blog!
Have fun with your blog... Greetings from Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada!
Cool Blog Mugwump! We're excited to check out all your neat pictures. It looks like you and your brothers have a lot of fun together!
This is your crazy aunt Emily up in Puyallup Washington. I love your blog. I think you should take a picture of your favorite animal and put it on your blog website so I can see it. I miss playing with you. I hope we can play again soon. You are one of my favorite little boys!
Dear Sir,
Your lego car was fantastic. I tried to make one also but it didn't turn out nearly as well.
Your advice about electricity was also great. Ask your father about some more advice about electric fences and a fun body function.
Yours, A.
Cool Car!!
From John, in Dekalb, Illinois.
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