Saturday, March 1, 2008


Love Caden. I'm gonna write to Nong Peat. I love you.

I made a 5 shirt so I can go to Kindergarten. Why did you put a 5 on it? So I could go to kindergarten. Can you go to kindergarten when you're 4? No, they don't allow me in kindergarten. How come? I've heard that before.

What are you doing here? Dancing. Dancing. Dancing still. [Nong Peat] will like this, huh. Do you think this shows up on their TV? It'll show up on their computer. Yeah, if they have one. Do they have a laptop, like Daddy?
Do you want to tell people you got a haircut today? No, they don't like that. They can see it in the pictures!
Mom again. We checked out the first series of the BOB books from the library this week. Mugwump is excited because they are books he can read all by himself, they have pictures, and they (sort of) make a storyline. He's read a couple of them to us - he's doing great!


Anonymous said...

This is
grammie. I am visiting with your
Gmaw and Dorothy for a few days in
Indio, California..It is warm here,
but got cool this evening.
We had chicken dinner with them and
other friends where we could eat
all we wanted and then take the rest home.
I liked reading your blog and seeing new pictures of you and your
brothers. It looks as if you do
have fun with them and aregood to
them. You build neat things from
your legos.
I love you. Grammie

Emily A. said...

Hi Mugwump. I want to know who this Nong Peat person is. Sounds like an interesting character! Does Nong Peat like to play with leggos? Where does Nong Peat live?

I like your 5 shirt. Its got cool colors. Is yellow your favorite color?

I am happy you are reading. You are a very smart boy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mugwump. This is Grandma. I like reading your blog. You chose pretty colors for your shirt. I miss reading books with you and Spencer. Watch for this week's package. It has a fun project for you about questions. I love you.

LittleFamilyJL said...

You are a pretty good dancer, Mugwump. I give you a 10.